Desserts/Pastries/Baked Goods


b. 1986, HK.


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Boris Portnoy Boris Portnoy has been delighting taste buds with his innovative creations that reach beyond tradition by employing modern techniques with creative flavor combinations and varied textures. 

To further his understanding of creative cuisine, Boris traveled to Spain to work with chef Andoni Anduliz at Mugaritz outside of San Sebastian.  Here he furthered his knowledge about the application of modern techniques and, more importantly, the range of taste.

From there Boris’s career took him to Meadowood, Napa Valley where under his tenure as the Head Pastry Chef, the restaurant received critical acclaim and a Three Star Micheline rating.

Since then, Boris has settled in Melbourne, Australia where he owns and runs a bakery All Are Welcome as well a vineyard in Manavi, Georgia.